introduction to the development direction of stereoscopic garages -亚博88体育

the reliability and technological maturity of three-dimensional garages, as well as effective emergency measures in response to unexpected situations, are inevitable conditions for the development of garages. for example, when a fire occurs at a certain location in the garage, a driver fails to close the window or apply the handbrake according to regulations, and the control system malfunctions, resulting in the inability to retrieve the car, these are all issues that garage designers need to consider. when selecting ground parking and three-dimensional parking garages, only when three-dimensional parking spaces are safer, more convenient, and more affordable than flat parking spaces can there be room for further development of three-dimensional parking spaces

garages should actively improve their space utilization and vehicle access efficiency. compared to flat parking lots, three-dimensional garages have outstanding advantages in space utilization, but there is still room for improvement. there is still significant room for improvement in different vehicle heights, lengths, and parking space arrangements. industrial warehousing technology should be actively applied to the field of garages

reducing time while ensuring reliability and stability is a major challenge when storing and retrieving vehicles. currently, most garages use plc control systems for control, but due to the speed constraints of the plc itself, it cannot meet the needs of the garage to a large extent, affecting the efficiency of three-dimensional inventory vehicle retrieval. in terms of technology, dsp can be used to expand cpld

the intelligence of garages is very important. currently, in the industrial field, emphasis is placed on developing towards automation and intelligence. the "new generation artificial intelligence development plan" issued by the state council has clearly stated that intelligence is an important part of improving people's livelihoods in china, so three-dimensional parking garages should move towards intelligence. various equipment and facilities, parking positioning systems, toll collection systems, safety supervision systems, monitoring systems the management system is linked together and equipped with an expert system for data analysis, forming a fully automated process from the vehicle entering the designated area during storage to the vehicle leaving the designated area during pick-up. the garage has multiple entrances and exits, and each entrance and exit is equipped with a self-service machine for parking fee payment and parking space query, achieving unmanned and fully automated intelligent operation

in the three-dimensional parking garage, some flexible services related to cars can be added, such as automatic cleaning of vehicles, self-service refueling, charging of cars, etc. after selecting a car wash service, the vehicle automatically enters the computer car wash room to wash the car, and then is assigned by the system to park at a designated location. this can fully utilize the idle time of the vehicle during parking, saving the waiting time for car washing for car owners

due to the fact that garages are still an emerging concept, people's understanding of them is not deep enough, and some garages charge high fees, resulting in cumbersome parking and pick-up procedures. people do not want to try or dare not try. stereoscopic garages should improve their vehicle access mechanism, strengthen publicity and explanation, and increase the recognition of car owners. at the same time, the construction location of garages should also prioritize selecting alleys, old residential areas, popular pedestrian streets, or nearby hospitals where parking problems are very serious, make the garage a good choice for people to park their vehicles

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three-dimensional parking

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stereo garage

automobile maintenance equipment

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company address: 267 fenghuang street, jiuqu, hedong, linyi city, shandong province

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